A Responsive Redesign
I’ve finally decided to do the responsible thing and implement a responsive design for my blog.
Today, websites are being viewed on a number of different devices and browsers each with different dimensions and resolutions. My previous design was terrible when being viewed on a mobile device – I was determined to fix this as part of the redesign.
As part of this change I also wanted to improve the readability of my blog – the previous font wasn’t crisp enough and I felt it was too small.
Responsive Design
This was my first attempt at doing a responsive design. Overall there seems to be a ton of information on the topic, but not that many examples. Most websites that contain information on responsive design don’t implement responsive designs themselves. There are also not that many technical blogs out there that implement a responsive design.
In the end I found responsive design to be reasonably easy. The key was to continuously test for smaller resolutions (by simply scaling the browser) and to test on actual mobile devices as soon as possible.
What’s next
I’m hoping this redesign will inspire me to put some serious effort into my blog and post more often. Happy coding.